
About the content:

The ideas, concepts and everything else on this blog, excepting of course comments made by others, are simply my opinion based on what I have learned from my 30+ years of investing and business experience.

I am happy to answer questions and these answers are based on what I would do based on the limited information you will have provided.

I am not a professional investment advisor nor will I ever be one.  Further, I cannot possibly know the full details of any reader’s personal situation or needs.  So my answers need to taken as input to making your own independent investment decision.

There are absolutely no guarantees here for investment success.   Markets will go up and down and the risk of loss is great to those who do not do their homework or have the patience to see wild swings in market prices in the short run.   Your holding period for investments should be for a minimum of 3-5 years.   My comments are not meant for short term trading strategies.

I constantly remind myself what the famous investor Benjamin Graham has been quoted as saying; ‘in the short run the market is a voting machine, in the long run the market is a weighing machine”

